Why EduSoul?

A Tool for Lesson Planning
Edusoul is a platform for planning lessons based on effective and proven Education models. While maintaining the freedom of the teacher, it offers technological help for planning, execution and assessment.
A Unique Tool for Classroom Management
It offers ways to manage classrooms, accept break requests, and grant permissions as well keep record for references. It also allows for processing students’ requests for help, thereby giving individual attention to students who have doubts.
Unparalleled Modeling Opportunities
Teachers could model concepts for learning through explanations, asking questions, and even hyperlinking to external videos and documents.
Digital Journals
Teachers and students own highly interactive journals, where students copy and learn from the teacher’s workbook in real time, as well as save their notes for a specific lesson for teacher assessment. These tools can also be used for live modeling of concepts in the classroom. The beauty and helpfulness of these journals eliminate the need for thousands of paper copies of handouts, making our classrooms safer during this unprecedented time. Reading, writing, and focused notetaking skills of the students are enhanced all through the lessons.
A blend of Synchronous and Asynchronous Classrooms
As we are going through tough times, this website helps manage and teach students who are attending in-person instruction and remote instruction at the same time.
What is Edusoul?
It is an innovation to reduce the workload of teachers and to organize teaching and learning by making education digitally meaningful.

Simple and
Easy-to-Use Dashboard
Active individual learner is the focus
Personalized learning made simple
Differentiation of instruction at its maximum
Lesson planning tools adding wings to the creativity of teachers
Modeling opportunities to teach with passion and purpose
Unique tools for classroom management
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